I was first aware and introduced to developmentally disabled adults in 1970 through my Drama teacher who also taught the special needs class. From there I eventually became involved working with DD's in the school system as an aide in public school special needs classes, to class aide in private schools, to hab aide and home manager at group homes, to supported living staff, to current state case manager for the developmental disability program. In my many years of working with DD's I have understood and witnessed first hand that they are far from being 'retarded'. The accomplishments, the personal drive, the insights, the reliability, the true friendship and loyalty, the respect for others and life in general is astounding. It's so amazing that the majority of people who do NOT have a disabilty just don't get life the way those with a disability do. The world has a lot to learn from disabled. Actually, 'disabled' isn't a correct term either - because with the right attitude, the right opportunities, the right people to assist, DD's can do ANYTHING - and often better than those without a disability! People who call others 'retard' or 'disabled' should beware - at any time they could be involved in some accident or get some serious health issue that causes them to have an impairment where others might use the same words on them. If that ever happened I am sure they would then realize that those labels are wrong to use. Bless you Ed, I know you will inspire the world!
Just wanted to say hello. You've got another blog-reader. :) Have been in the hospital the past few days with my son and got a chance to watch tv. Saw The Ringer last night, and looked at trivia stuff for the movie on www.imdb.com (Internet Movie Database). Started reading the message boards, and eventually found my way here. :)
I think you're a great actor, and appreciate what you're doing to expel "the word". :)
I run a Martial Arts studio based out of St. Louis, Missouri. I was wondering if you would be interested in coming on down to help host a fundraiser for the Special Olympics. All proceeds would be donated to the cause, and I would be happy to pay your way out here. If your interested please feel free to email me back at tabermartialarts@gmail.com . We would truly love to have you out here, and would be happy to benefit such a great cause in any way that we can.
There's a new novel that tries to deal directly with this issue, but from a slightly different perspective. The authors very much agree that people should not use the word, but even recently leading public figures have.
So to help spread awareness in the way that only narrative can, DC Curtis and I humbly submit: Truth & Pain starring the Gangsters & Retards in... The Mystique-cal Person-a of MC Cripple Crip
I agree with you that the word should go the way of the do do bird.
I was first aware and introduced to developmentally disabled adults in 1970 through my Drama teacher who also taught the special needs class. From there I eventually became involved working with DD's in the school system as an aide in public school special needs classes, to class aide in private schools, to hab aide and home manager at group homes, to supported living staff, to current state case manager for the developmental disability program. In my many years of working with DD's I have understood and witnessed first hand that they are far from being 'retarded'. The accomplishments, the personal drive, the insights, the reliability, the true friendship and loyalty, the respect for others and life in general is astounding. It's so amazing that the majority of people who do NOT have a disabilty just don't get life the way those with a disability do. The world has a lot to learn from disabled. Actually, 'disabled' isn't a correct term either - because with the right attitude, the right opportunities, the right people to assist, DD's can do ANYTHING - and often better than those without a disability! People who call others 'retard' or 'disabled' should beware - at any time they could be involved in some accident or get some serious health issue that causes them to have an impairment where others might use the same words on them. If that ever happened I am sure they would then realize that those labels are wrong to use. Bless you Ed, I know you will inspire the world!
Man i love everything that u are doin. keep it going man. is there a way to get a autograph from you?
please reply:
Just wanted to say hello. You've got another blog-reader. :) Have been in the hospital the past few days with my son and got a chance to watch tv. Saw The Ringer last night, and looked at trivia stuff for the movie on www.imdb.com (Internet Movie Database). Started reading the message boards, and eventually found my way here. :)
I think you're a great actor, and appreciate what you're doing to expel "the word". :)
I run a Martial Arts studio based out of St. Louis, Missouri. I was wondering if you would be interested in coming on down to help host a fundraiser for the Special Olympics. All proceeds would be donated to the cause, and I would be happy to pay your way out here. If your interested please feel free to email me back at tabermartialarts@gmail.com . We would truly love to have you out here, and would be happy to benefit such a great cause in any way that we can.
There's a new novel that tries to deal directly with this issue, but from a slightly different perspective. The authors very much agree that people should not use the word, but even recently leading public figures have.
So to help spread awareness in the way that only narrative can, DC Curtis and I humbly submit: Truth & Pain starring the Gangsters & Retards in... The Mystique-cal Person-a of MC Cripple Crip
- Bones
This is such a great thing to push for awareness. Love your blog and think that you are a fantastic actor and activist! Keep it up!
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